Rob Sepich
Rob Sepich 12/8/16 meeting
Stress management work, clinic work, and student-help based work
For first years –
o Need certain amount of stress in order to do well, do not eliminate all stress
o Bell-shaped curve correlating stress and performance – moderate stress is
correlated with peak performance
Pay attention to yourself when you feel “in the zone” and not based off of what other
people tell you
“Don’t believe everything you think” – 40k-50k thoughts per day and most of them are
not helpful
o the amount of energy we try and use to suppress those thoughts makes things
worse, more bad thoughts come and more energy is wasted creating more
o you CAN control what you say to yourself about your current problems
o you do NOT face problems, you face challenges that can be overcome
coping but not over-coping – over-coping will result in the diminishing
area of no returns
nervousness about interviews (TED Talk by Amy Cuddy)
o about what you communicate to yourself
o make yourself big – do not sit crunched up, spread out and get comfortable
o reframe whatever you are feeling as motivation or energy
know your flaws and the faults you think might happen so you can be
prepared for them, and then if they happen use them positively and
embrace it and play it off in a different way
o have some butterflies but use them positively
most successful athletes or performers interpret everything positively – if you believe
the negatives then they will become self-fulfilling prophecies
Do’s and not-do’s to set yourself up for success
Set up double-negatives – do not say things like “this time I won’t screw
up” or “don’t let this happen” because it WILL happen
o DO
Pay attention to what is in your control – say things like “I’m going to the
library” or “I want to study for a little bit” rather than “I HAVE to go to the
library to study”
Think about how privileged you are and realize that things could be
worse and embrace what you have
o Break studying into small blocks of time instead of studying for multiple hours at
a time – break could be only a few minutes to be effective
o Be effective with all of your time, do not waste useless energy
o Turn in a paper or an exam, then step back – do not say things like “I should’ve
looked over that again” or “I should’ve studied more”
Its in the past and there is nothing you can do about it now so spend
more energy now on the next thing and not grieving about what you
can’t control
o Step back and gain some perspective about the future and what you can control
o Healthy ways to maintain balance
Be gentle with yourself
Find ways to adapt to new situations
Mountain pose – feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms and
shoulders relaxed, let hands relax, and imagine yourself dodging all things
that make you panic being thrown at you
Contrast to clenching fist and shoulders tensing and locking your
knees, this is the natural stressed pose!!!!
“Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional” – it is a losing battle if you
think that you will avoid all pain
difference between healing and curing
o United States in general is awful at self-care – relaxation, gratitude, mindfulness,
Not focused on because it can’t be billed for, so it needs to be a priority
for the individual
Relaxation exercise
o Link is to all of his exercises
o The one we did was muscle relaxation