Dr. Brianna Mayer: Pediatric Clinical Pharmacist at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee
Dr. Brianna Mayer
Pediatric clinical pharmacist at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee
2 undergrad years - fast-track
2019 grad from pharmacy school
One year residency at Children's WI
Staff pharmacist for pediatric populations
Helps answer clinical questions
Works in emergency department
General pediatric inpatient unit
Monitor patents, go on rounds with all providers, verify medication orders, review medication history
Unique: managing nutrition for pediatric patients
How did you become interested in pharmacy?
Shadowing in high school
Clinical ID specialist
Reinforcing pharmacy:
PEDS interest group
Rotations in pharmacy school
Why pediatric?
Problem solving and finding creative solutions
More unique disease states
Enjoys working with children
Pediatric Residencies:
Structured with different learning areas (ER, oncology, etc.)
Gave more information on pediatric disease states
More specialized towards desired career path, but it’s not required
Makes you more competitive in the job market
What advice would you give to students interested in pharmacy?
Shadow pharmacists of different specialties
Be open to exploring different roles
How much patient care do you give?
Majority of time is direct patient care (90%)
Longer rounds (talking to patients’ families)
Discuss vaccine records
Dealing with parental concerns and medication refusal:
Give them the information to guide them in the right direction
Make priorities (surgery over vaccines)