Emergency Health Pharmacy Meeting Minutes
Dr. Zimmerman- Emergency Medicine Pharmacist
"So what do you do there?":
Be available to physicians and help them with clinical questions
Located in the middle of the ER
Other specialty pharmacists are located in other areas of the hospital
Answer questions from people as they walk past, very accessible via phone, pager or secure chat.
Some responsibilities of Emergency Pharmacists:
Consultations: provide consultations on high risk medicines such as blood thinners
Rabies Immune Injections, Making sure patients get all remaining shots
Work collaboratively with providers, nurses, other pharmacists
Fast paced environment, very hands on, team environment
Code Blue: when someone is getting CPR, Pharmacists monitor and advise during code blue and document everything that occur and sometimes, pharmacist give CPR
Some Advice:
You don’t need to know what field of pharmacy you want to do your first year of pharm school!
Walgreens technician- very helpful! Consider getting pharmacy tech experience
Walk through a typical day:
Overnight shifts, mornings not as busy, not a predictable job
Verifying orders
Feel free to contact Dr.Zimmerman with any questions!
Email: ezimmerman2@uwhealth.org
Club reminders:
Freshman representative application due October 12th by midnight
Mentorship opportunity with a UW Pharmacy School student, new volunteer opportunities and new workshop opportunities are available, check them out on our website under the “Volunteer”, “More>opportunities” and “More>mentorship” tabs
Next general meeting, Wednesday October 21st, 6-7pm. We will be discussing community pharmacy with Dr.Vicki Sobczak